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You are viewing Cheat Codes for NASCAR Thunder 2004 System : Playstation Date Added : 2006-01-04 20:10:03 Views : 22384 Road courses: To unlock a road course for Texas, Talladega, Pocono, Phoenix, Homestead or Daytona, race the original track on the medium or veteran difficulty. 3% is the easiest race length and the fastest. Alternate night tracks: Win the race that has a locked version of an alternate night track under the veteran difficulty, 3% race length, and damage on visual only. Repeat this method on all tracks that have a locked version of it. Alternate paint: Win a race under the medium, hard or extreme difficulty setting to unlock a paint scheme for that driver. Night tracks: Go to season mode and then to "Custom Schedule". You can unlock night races for the day tracks. Exhibition and alternate event races: Win a race under the medium, hard or extreme difficulty setting to unlock an exhibition or alternate race for that track. Fantasy and night tracks and cars: Go to season mode. Choose custom for tracks. Then, choose locked tracks on medium. You can race at whichever locked track you choose. if you win race, you unlock a track. if you also have a locked car, you also win the first locked car. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more NASCAR Thunder 2004 cheat codes.
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